A simple pull-down banner can say a lot. So it was that at the education symposium, Kā au Kahuraki, we learnt about the vision for self-determination being signed up to by the Ministry of Education, the New Zealand Police and mana whenua, Ngai Tūāhuriri. The programme involved three workstreams:
Kaitiaki ECE Project
Community hub project
Mana whenua strategy
It was great to see some of the whānau we associate with so closely featured in the vignettes of whānau in Ōtautahi ki te Rāwhiti. Matua Henare Edwards; Whaea Tihi Puanaki, Dame Taua Aroha Reriti-Crofts, Manu and Corey Hale – all of them sharing their aspirations to ‘build their own whare’.
The gathering was a special event to celebrate the Kā au Kahuraki strategy – a metaphor for our precious tamariki mokopuna on a journey of learning.

Te Kotahi o te Tauihu
On Monday I attended the mihi whakatau to welcome the new Pouwhakahaere operations manager for Te Kotahi o te Tauihu charitable trust. The powhiri at Ūkaipo in Blenheim, was a wonderful chance to congratulate the eight iwi of the Top of the South for their establishment mahi for the new Charitable Trust. The new Pouwhakahaere | Operations Manager of the Charitable Trust is Dr Lorraine Eade. The pantribal trust has received funding from Ministry of Social Development for capacity and capability development; iwi work brokers; from TPK for Te Tauihu stocktake; and from Te Putahitanga for Pātaka Kai.
It is a fantastic chance to create both leverage and influence through the eight iwi working together for a joint focus on :
Whāngai (Feeding the people)
Tāwharautia (shelter and support for the homeless)
Whihi mahi (employment opportunities (jobs);
Whai oranga (holistic wellness).
Their mission is kia Kotahi te hoe – further together for whānau to thrive.
We wish them all luck in making the difference they will so easily be able to achieve.

With Kaihautu Māori Partnerships for Nelson City Council (Pania Lee) and Tasman District Council (Te Waari Carkeek).

Below: with Te Taumata co-chair, Whaea Molly Luke; and Pouwhakahaere, Dr Lorr Eade

With Nola-May Campbell
Whare Manaaki, West Coast
Attached below are some photos of Māori kaimahi from different agencies that gathered at Whare Manaaki in Greymouth a wave entity that now has their own legal structure. Whare Manaaki is designed to support connection, and collaboration to raise the profile and support systems for Maori in an encouraging and nurturing environment.

Safer Credit and Financial Inclusion Partnership
On Thursday 25 March the Safer Credit and Financial Inclusion Partnership called a national hui at Nga Hau e Wha marae. I presented on Whānau Ora and Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu. Sacha McMeeking shared the research during COVID. Essentially that research demonstrated that although whānau were in severe financial difficulty, many were unable to get the financial assistance they needed from government departments in a timely way. Comments indicated they were either:
• Ineligible, due to the stand down period.
• Ineligible, due to previous access, have reached the maximum number of times/amounts of support, have too much debt.
• Ineligible as they do not meet the criteria/preconditions for accessing support.
• Still waiting for the support to start.
• Receiving support, but it is insufficient to live off and cover costs

HTK Group signs up
HTK Group Ltd was established in 2015 to meet the growing demand for a consultancy organisation that understands the needs of Māori and indigenous organisations across the spectrum, from those wanting tailor-made solutions for business.
The HTK initiative, TU Whānau Enterprise will see the establishment of two Whānau Enterprise Connectors to work with Māori and whānau enterprises across Te Waipounamu and Wharekauri. The initiative will connect whānau to support services and access to resources and capital/funding from external agencies to support business continuity, growth, and future sustainability in the current COVID-19 environment.
In signing up to their agreement today, they earnt the first prize for being the front-runner in having their Wave 13 agreement signed off ahead of implementation on 1 April.

Te Pāpori o Whakatere
Over two days this week a wananga was held in Christchurch to initiate the writing of a long term strategic plan; to complete a stocktake on the current status of the kaupapa and to identify professional supports that could strengthen the kaupapa moving forward. Te Pāpori o Whakatere is an ‘accelerator’ programme : it intensifies the focus on our enterprises – like a crash course in helping your initiative to succeed.

It was great to meet up with the amazing entrepreneurs and innovators who are taking Whānau Ora to the next level with their global dumplings ((1) Kai Connoisseurs | Facebook) ; electrical enterprise; Whānau Fit; Forever Beds and so much more.
COVID-19 Surge workforce
Anyone can register for COVID 19 vaccination training now. There are clinical and non clinical roles. Please forward onto your contacts and don’t forget whānau who are unemployed as a result of COVID, these are paid positions.
Wave 14 Workshops

On Monday our team are out on the road again with the roadshow promoting the opening of Wave 14 on 1st April. The schedule is as follows:
Monday 29
Hokitika Westreap 11am
Westport Denniston Dog 6pm
Timaru Caroline Bay Aoraki Centre 11am
Dunedin Te Roopu Tautoko ki te Tonga 6pm
Tuesday 30
Motueka 11am Te Awhina Marae
Nelson Hotel Nelson 5.30pm
Wednesday 31
Alexandra Alexandra Community House 1.30pm
Blenheim Scenic Hotel 1pm
Thursday 1 April
Christchurch 6pm Te Whenua Taurikura
Invercargill Ascot Park 12.30pm
Invercargill Ascot Park 5pm
Kaikoura Memorial Hall 6pm
Christchurch 10am Te Whenua Taurikura