Kaimahi of Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu are organised into eight teams that support whānau at different stages of their Whānau Ora journeys. These teams are called Kā Ora, Hao Ora, Mauri Ora, Whiti Ora, Tangata Ora, Wai Ora, Mana Ora and Toi Ora – and together they provide wrap around support to whānau in Te Waipounamu. Scroll down to learn more about each team. If you hover the mouse over our kaimahi you might get a better understanding of what it means to them to work here.
Pouārahi - Chief Executive
Ivy is passionate about whānau wellbeing and firmly believes in the transformational power of Whānau Ora. She is an established and well-respected leader at Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu, with a deep understanding of the agency. Prior to her appointment as Pouārahi in August 2022, Ivy worked across a wide range of workstreams, facilitating effective relationships and processes, both internally and externally.
Ivy is a strong and effective communicator, whose focus is collaborative problem-solving in order to achieve collective goals and outcomes. She has extensive strategic and operational leadership experience in government, ministerial, and non-government agencies. She has expertise in policy matters and issues, with a particular focus on Māori development and has contributed to national policy changes for significant pieces of legislation including the Parental Leave Act, Oranga Tamariki Act, Te Ture mō Te Reo Māori Language Act 2016 and the Resource Management Act 1991.
I love working here because I know whānau is important to everyone who works here
It is a privilege to learn more about the culture and language. And contribute in some small way to this organisation’s success
I’ve worked at a lot of corporate organisations and many big companies, and now I want to give back. For me, it is about working for an organisation that is helping whānau directly.
I absolutely love coming to mahi every day and being part of the Whānau Ora dream striving for the success and betterment of our whānau.
Whānau Ora History
Whānau Ora approach puts whānau at the centre of change
Whānau Ora is a Māori approach to delivering social and health services to whānau, created to address systemic inequities that have resulted in poorer outcomes for Māori. The Whānau Ora approach puts whānau at the centre of change and supports them to fulfil their dreams and aspirations.
Te Pūtahitanga