The winter wānanga for Navigators and Connectors in Te Tauihu was an awesome example of mana motuhake. The setting at Waikawa Marae, against the stunning backdrop of Tōtaranui (Queen Charlotte Sound), was magical, and the manaakitanga was like the kai moana – abundant!


Navigators Megan Hadfield, Toya Piggott and Alena Beard set the scene with a pre-wānanga dive to collect kaimoana and later took us all through the tikanga associated with gathering and preparing kaimoana for hākari.

At Whatamango Bay, Toya shared some of her deep knowledge about harvesting harakeke, the importance of tikanga and uses for various native plants. Then it was back to the marae for more learning (and eating).

E mihi nui ana ki te Nav Nation mō te whānau o Te Ātiawa o te Waka-a-Māui.

A huge mihi also to the whānau of Wakawa Marae, Kairuruku Hauora Māori Nurse Isla Taunoa and Rongoā practitioner Ripeka Hook, our amazing chefs Harley, Tania and Zoe and to all who shared their time and knowledge so generously.