Ā mātou kōrero

All our stories

Waikawa Shuttle

After returning to New Zealand after 14 years in Australia, David and Ruby Thomas are loving being home on their whenua and serving their community through Waikawa Shuttle.
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Te Kai a Te Rangatira

Te Kai a Te Rangatira is a kaupapa Māori initiative that is supporting Rakiura Māori to reconnect with their identity, culture and language.
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An end of an era

We send our aroha to all those affected by the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Closer to home, our kaimahi travel throughout the motu to connect with our hapori and share mātauranga that will benefit us all.
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Language is Our Awakening

This week we encourage everyone to take up the challenge of Mahuru Māori, and to incorporate more te reo Māori into our conversations and to celebrate success in its many forms.
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Change is in the air

This week we are thinking about change and how it impacts our whānau, we acknowledge Daffodil Day and send our aroha to everyone affected by the floods in Te Tauihu.
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Wāhine Māori, make your health a priority!

Wāhine Māori, It is time to make your health a priority and book a cervical screening test today! If you're overdue for your smear, take this video as inspiration to make an appointment and get checked for you and your whānau.
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Telling the Whānau Ora story

This week we think about the meaning of partnership, and ways that we can spread the story of Whānau Ora to build more connections. We learn from the wisdom of māra kai expert Pounamu Skelton and we say farewell to our contract advisor Nathan Tau.
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Aroā – Attitude

Since the 1990s, the team at Attitude has been visiting schools across Aotearoa, driven by a passion to inform, inspire and educate our rangatahi. Recently, Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu has been proud to fund Attitude as part of our Aroā workstream
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Stopping to view the Sturgeon Moon

This week we take the time to soak in the wonder of te ao tūroa, with the last supermoon of the year. We congratulate Helen Leahy on her new role, and we catch up with our Mauri Ora team as they travel throughout the motu.
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A landscape of vast opportunity

This week we welcome our new Pouārahi Ivy Harper, and we celebrate the success of Twin Harmony and Kiwi Kai. We attend the premier of A Boy Called Piano and we check in with our Kōanga Kai research project and Wave entity MENgineeers.
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Nā te pūtea tautoko

Watch these previously funded kaupapa

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