Ā mātou kōrero

All our stories

Telling the Whānau Ora story

This week we think about the meaning of partnership, and ways that we can spread the story of Whānau Ora to build more connections. We learn from the wisdom of māra kai expert Pounamu Skelton and we say farewell to our contract advisor Nathan Tau.
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Aroā – Attitude

Since the 1990s, the team at Attitude has been visiting schools across Aotearoa, driven by a passion to inform, inspire and educate our rangatahi. Recently, Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu has been proud to fund Attitude as part of our Aroā workstream
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Stopping to view the Sturgeon Moon

This week we take the time to soak in the wonder of te ao tūroa, with the last supermoon of the year. We congratulate Helen Leahy on her new role, and we catch up with our Mauri Ora team as they travel throughout the motu.
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A landscape of vast opportunity

This week we welcome our new Pouārahi Ivy Harper, and we celebrate the success of Twin Harmony and Kiwi Kai. We attend the premier of A Boy Called Piano and we check in with our Kōanga Kai research project and Wave entity MENgineeers.
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Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu appoints Ivy Harper as new Pouārahi

Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu is delighted to announce the appointment of Ivy Harper as the new Pouārahi for the Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency for the South Island. Ms Harper has been a valued kaimahi of Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu since 2018.
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Success through unity of purpose

This week we are celebrating the magic of the Whānau Ora network, as we hold our first regional engagement hui with Navigation Partners and receive updates from Wave entities throughout the motu.
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Kōanga Kai – Hei Whakapiki Mauri

Ruth Jones, Kaiwhakahaere of Hei Whakapiki Mauri, calls Te Pūtahitanga’s Kōanga Kai initiative “inspired” and says supporting whānau to develop their own māra kai has many benefits beyond food security and the provision of fresh, healthy kai.
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Kōanga Kai – Koha Kai

Janice Lee started Koha Kai in 2015 as a way to provide to support and develop the skills of a small group of people, many of whom were living with disabilities. The initiative has flourished and in the past seven years, there have been big changes.
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Shining a light

We remind ourselves to practise self-care, so we stay well and can continue our mahi. We catch up with the team at Omaka Marae who have been delivering care packages to whānau, and we share the first in a series of Kōanga Kai videos.
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Kōanga Kai – Uruuruwhenua

For Alva Bennett of Uruuruwhenua Health in Alexandra, the Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu Kōanga Kai initiative has provided the opportunity to watch whānau grow with their gardens.
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Nā te pūtea tautoko

Watch these previously funded kaupapa

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