Ā mātou kōrero

All our stories

Changing the world

This week we farewell some of the change makers who have showed us the way, and resolve to continue their legacy. We hear from Te Tauihu Māori Business Network and film with Whānau Whanake. We announce two upcoming events targeting cervical cancer.
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This week we reflect on the momentum that Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu has built over the years, and the potential that Budget 2022 offers us to keep building. We check in with Whānau Ora Navigators at Tumai Ora, and our Tama Ora panel meets.
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The time is now

This week we introduce our interim Pouārahi, Ivy Harper and Vanessa Hutchins, and we share some more photos from our poroporoaki for Helen Leahy. We receive an update from Tū Anō and celebrate the launch of Mahara Lane photo booth.
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Whānau Ora is a love story

This week, our beloved Pouārahi bids farewell to the whānau and hapori she has advocated tirelessly for over the past seven years.
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Manaaki Mai, Manaaki Atu – Helen Leahy

I spend my life thinking of ways that I can provide my kids with the best future possible and enable them to walk forward with confidence.
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A thousand moments

This week our hearts are with Murihiku who tragically lost four young men. Moe mai rā, e oki. We catch up with the graduates from Tipu Ora and we hear from Hokonui Marae who held a wānanga to design resources to help tamariki deal with stress.
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This week we join Te Waipounamu in acknowledging the sad passing of Ngāti Tama kaumātua John Tahana Ward-Holmes. Moe mai rā e te rangatira. We welcome Flying Geese to the whare, and we catch up with Sister-Sister and Reigning Downs.
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Reigning Downs

Reigning Downs is filling the gap for kids struggling in the mainstream education system in Murihiku. Jade Ward's equine centre provides bespoke horse riding lessons to rangatahi to build essential skills like resilience and leadership.
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Just one little candle

This week we reflect on the power of Whānau Ora, and the change that is made possible through our collective effort. We celebrate with Kaiawa Sports Club, share a pānui from Hei Whakapiki Mauri and check in with two of our Wave 15 initiatives.
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Doing what’s necessary

This week we look for inspiration to help us get through difficult times. We catch up with the Omicron response in Waitaha and Te Tai Poutini, and receive updates from Wave 14 initiatives, as well as welcoming two new kaimahi.
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Nā te pūtea tautoko

Watch these previously funded kaupapa

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