Ā mātou kōrero

All our stories

Manaaki Mai, Manaaki Atu – Aunty Molly (Amoroa Luke)

There was never any doubt in my mind about getting the vaccine. Having managed the Ngāti Rārua health services for twenty years until my retirement last year, I know how important it is for us to frontfoot this for our Māori community.
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Talking is rongoa

This week, we are inspired by the wisdom of Moe Milne to make korero our priority. Korero around COVID; around wellness in the woolshed; korero with kai – paua pies and fry bread at Morries Munchies!
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Whare Manaaki is a kaupapa Māori organisation operating on the West Coast supporting whānau and parents

Whare Manaaki has become a hub where whānau of all backgrounds can seek support raising their tamariki with a sense of ownership and validation of their own identity. “It’s a place for everybody - Māori and non-Māori," says creator Eli.
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The alpha and the omega

We have covered the breadth of Te Waipounamu this week from Taylor Hill of Murihiku to Leanne and Todd Jago’s waka adventure in Kaiteriteri. Inbetween we stop off at Cultivate Christchurch; we pay a visit to Kōanga Kai in Kaingaroa School.
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Tikanga is at the heart of Tū Pono: Mana Tangata

Tū Pono: Mana Tangata is a kaupapa that operates through wānanga and programmes developed to provide advocacy and to raise awareness of domestic violence, suicide and sexual abuse.
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The power of kōrero

Our hearts were pumping furiously this week as our rangatahi took the virtual stage for Ngā Manu Kōrero 2021 competitions – and how proud were we not to have just one placing but two! We talk about the vaccination kai and korero clinics happening.
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Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu announces the closure of the Puna Fund

Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu announces the closure of the Puna Fund. The fund was established following the first nationwide lockdown in March 2020 in recognition that for many whānau in a crisis, navigating complex systems to access support was…

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E tū te pāhokahoka

The rainbow is a powerful symbol of hope after the rainstorm subsides. This week we see that hope coming through from the relentless work of Nga Kete Matauranga Pounamu; the inspiration of Whaea Molly Luke; the reo champion that is Ana Fa’au.
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Tama Ora; Whānau Ora

This week we share the framework for a new funding opportunity for Navigator Tinana and RUIA entities, Tama Ora. We pay a tribute to the healing hands of Te Aomihia in Dunedin. We share some of the findings from the PUNA funding.
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The world is closed for renovation

During lockdown people have been making bread; creating rongoa, and spending endless hours on zoom. There has been heroic activity across the motu in the vaccination space; and over 12,000 whānau members have been supported through the PUNA fund.
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Nā te pūtea tautoko

Watch these previously funded kaupapa

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