Ā mātou kōrero

All our stories

Te Hā Oranga o Tuahiwi

“Getting fit and staying healthy can take a lot of hard work so it’s great to see people in our group making that sort of personal commitment. That’s what it’s all about."
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Waiting to come home

   Enroute to Motueka   I was at a kaumatua hui this week when a question was asked of a kuia, what would she do when all her mokopuna went off to school. Her answer was immediate: “Wait for them…

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Matariki, Manaaki and Magic

    Today marks Te iwi o Matariki- when the star cluster can be seen in the pre-dawn sky. The dawning of the Matariki enables us to draw on the inspiration of the constellation of stars to welcome the first fruits…

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Sewing mends the soul

     This week I had the privilege and pleasure of attending an Enabling Good Lives event in support of Hei Whakapiki Mauri. Hei Whakapiki Mauri conduct regular hui and workshops so that whānau can meet other whānau living with disabilities,…

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The fires of Puanga

  The flames dancing high into the horizon marked the dawning of Puanga/Puaka in a special way for our new commissioning manager, Huata Arahanga. In the early morning light, the Arahanga whānau gathered at the Puanga celebrations on Koro Ruapehu….

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Arawai – using the moana to reconnect participants to their whakapapa, environment, and community

Arawai is a programme based in Ōtepoti that uses the moana and diving to reconnect participants to their whakapapa, their environment, and their community.
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Seiche Surfers and New Beginnings

  I love learning new words. This week I was introduced to the word ‘seiche’ (pronounced saysh). If you have observed water sloshing back and forth in a swimming pool, bathtub, or cup of water, you may have witnessed a…

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Wearing our love on our sleeve

  The serene beauty of Te Rāpaki-o-Te Rakiwhakaputa was the landscape for which a beloved husband, father, Pōua, coach, umpire, cousin, friend and brother was sadly laid to rest this week. Damon Ruki, (1972-2021) was celebrated by the masses; mourners…

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Preparing for Winter

     Ka kitea a Matariki, ka rere te korokoro ‘When Matariki is seen, the lamprey migrate’  Koinei tētahi o ngā whakataukī maha e hāngai ana ki te ahunga mai o Matariki me ngā mahi e tika ana kia tutuki…

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Counting the difference

     “The Government recognises that in many instances social service, community, iwi and Whānau Ora organisations are best placed to provide vital support to the communities impacted by COVID-19”. That was the heartfelt statement from the Minister for Social…

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Nā te pūtea tautoko

Watch these previously funded kaupapa

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