Ā mātou kōrero

All our stories

Navigator Agencies

Whānau Ora Navigator agencies Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu invest in Navigator roles to support and build whānau capability. Whānau Ora Navigators work with whānau who are in crisis to identify their strengths, facilitate and mentor them to provide wrap-around…

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Finding our Path

  “We must take time to define our own path; too quickly we can find the world defining the path for us” This week we took a moment out on a beautiful Southern day to walk at Daffodil Bay, along…

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Māori Women in Whānau Enterprise Leading Social Change

It has come as no surprise to the South Island Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency to see three successful whānau entities have been named as the three finalists in the Te Waipounamu category for the 2019 Māori Women in Business Awards….

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How Funding Decisions Are Made

   How funding decisions are made Our recommendations to decision makers are based on available funding, your application meeting the specified criteria, and consideration of other applications. Assessing your application Your application for Te Putahitanga o Te Waipounamu funding is…

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What You Need to Know

   WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW To receive funding, there must be a philosophical alignment between Whanau Ora and what you are proposing to deliver. Te Pūtahitanga O Te Waipounamu has utilised whānau voice to develop a way to identify…

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Sailing my Ship 

  The writer Louisa May Alcott once said “I’m not afraid of storms for I’m learning how to sail my ship”.   I thought of the wisdom of this saying when this week, Māui Studios founder and great friend to…

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Wave Ten Applications Open

  Apply here for wave Ten What we fund What you need to know How decisions are made Other funding sources WAVE TEN – ORA FundOpening date: Monday 19 August 2019Closing date: Sunday 22 September 2019 (12 noon) Kia hiwa ra!We’re…

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The Visible and the Invisible : The power of Voice

  In Tina Makareti’s novel, Where the Rēkohu Bone Sings, the character, Lula experiences a sense of belonging and reconciliation at the whare at Kopinga Marae, Rēkohu, where Moriori ancestors are carved into the building and names are recorded. “The…

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Challenging conversations; complicated spaces.

Titiro Whakamuri, kia anga whakamua / Reflecting forward the use of voice Sexual and domestic violence specialist services reflecting forward, Te Wharewaka o Poneke; 12 September 2019Keynote speech: Helen Leahy; Pouārahi; Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu I acknowledge the conference…

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The Circle of Life

  “A circle is the reflection of eternity.   It has no beginning and it has no end. And if you put several circles on top of each other then you get a spiral”.   Maynard James Keenan    …

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Nā te pūtea tautoko

Watch these previously funded kaupapa

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