Ā mātou kōrero

All our stories

‘The importance of growing whanau capacity capability and independence’ : Keynote speech – Hon Dame Tariana Turia

One of the universal soul-searching questions of our generations is asked by almost every child, ever.  It is a question asked as you drive into the sunrise of your whānau holiday. A question asked at every new signpost; every big…

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Rangatahi influencers shine on stage at Whānau Ora Symposium

Dynamic trio, Tamatha Paul, Sonny Ngatai and Ezekial Raui inspired participants at the Whānau Ora Symposium in Christchurch today delivering compelling and engaging stories to inspire rangatahi to follow their dreams and aspirations. Tamatha Paul, 21, from Tokoroa, is the…

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Hope is a Shape Shifter – Helen Leahy, Pouarahi

When the Town Hall was officially reopened on 23 February local band Shape-Shifter was selected to play. It couldn’t have been more apt.  Shape-shifters occupy the world of magic and miracles.   They transform from one state to another, breathing new…

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Be the beacon of hope

  Today New Zealanders donned gumboots of all descriptions  – thigh-high freezing worker boots; flamingo pink designer boots, red band classics, Mum’s ankle high gardening boots and my own fairly unoriginal shiny black boots.   All we needed was our kamuputu…

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Whānau Ora Enterprise leads the way with a Gold!

Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu congratulates Omaka Marae on the significant success of their whānau enterprise initiative, Manaaki food condiments, which has just been awarded a gold medal at the Outstanding NZ Food Producer Awards (ONZFOA). Manaaki’s Kamokamo Pickle is…

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Two new Whānau Ora Directors appointed

Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu Taumata (iwi stakeholder board) has appointed two new board directors to the governance board, the General Partner Limited Board (GPL). Today the Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency for the South Island, Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu,…

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Ko Tātou, Tātou

  Ko Tātou, Tātou.    We are one. One in our universal grief; one in the lament that flows from tears of sorrow at the loss of fifty loved ones – family members, workers, citizens, Muslim. One in our new knowledge…

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Whānau Development Summit

Whānau Development Summit Helen Leahy, Pouārahi Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu   One minute from our home in Linwood there is a garage.  We go through frequently – to get petrol, milk, bread and the occasional boysenberry trumpet.  Ten days…

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Aroha. Aroha. Aroha

  There was one word that the Imam repeated at the end of the call for prayer than rung through New Zealand on Friday at 1.32pm. Aroha.   Aroha. Aroha.   Kaiwhakakotahitanga tātou. The love that was demonstrated by people opening…

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Hello Brother!

Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu Pouārahi, Helen Leahy, has spoken of the gracious expression of manaakitanga being demonstrated so strongly in the response of Muslim communities to the horrific attack on two Christchurch mosques last Friday. “The moment that the…

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Nā te pūtea tautoko

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