Ā mātou kōrero

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Mana-Wā Symposium Registration

    MANA WĀ Rangatahi Symposium New Date: 20th August 2018 – support crew Registration Haeata Community Campus, Shortland Street, Wainoni    Tēnā koe ki ngā āhuatanga o tēnei wā On Monday 20th August 2018 Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu…

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Buffetting Blowholes and the unique wonder of the Pancake Rocks of Punakaiki

  One of the most exhilarating landscapes you could ever experience is in the towering cliffs and fissured rocks of Punakaiki.   Nestled in the exotic luxury of the Paparoa Ranges, the iconic Pancake Rocks are juxtaposed against the dense lush…

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Paradise on Earth

When I was in my late twenties I spent a lot of time at St Arnaud, basking in the luxurious relaxation of Lake Rotoiti.   It was paradise on earth – the translucent clarity of the water, the call of forest…

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Kaua e kōrero mō te awa, kōrero ki te awa.

There is a well-loved whakatauki of Whanganui, don’t talk about the river, talk to the river.   It represents the worldview that the health and wellbeing of the iwi, hapū and other communities of the river are intimately connected to te…

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‘What is social wellbeing?’, this indigenous, homegrown model for holistic wellbeing is as relevant as ever

  Ki uta ki tai: from its ridge lines to its shores, Te Manukanuka o Hoturoa, the Manukau Harbour is on a journey of restoring its life force. This week I was speaking at an event at Manurewa Marae, which…

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Ahakoa he iti he pounamu

How often have we heard the phrase, ‘Ahakoa he iti he pounamu’   In some interpretations it is said that “despite being small you are of great value”.  In others it is said that often the most humble is the most…

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Te Pātaka o Wairau Māori Night Market hits Seymour Square this September

‘Nau Mai Haere Mai’ is the welcome call to locals and visitors to a fun-filled event that celebrates Te Ao Māori. ‘Te Pātaka o Wairau Māori Night Market’ is scheduled for 14 September from 4-9pm at Seymour Square and is…

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The rising of Puaka; the flourishing of whānau

Te Iwa o Matariki 2018 are being welcomed this year by Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu as a great time to acknowledge the strengths and capacities of whānau across Te Waipounamu. “We are taking on the opportunity of Matariki 2018…

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Whanau Ora Graduates Celebrated in Murihiku

In the warmth of Murihiku today, on behalf of Marg Maniapoto and Raewyn Bourne – the Executive Manager of Manaaki Ora Trust ānd Mere Kereti, we offered our collective congratulations to twenty Whanau Ora graduates.  Helen Leahy, Pouarahi of Te Pūtahitanga…

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Ko taku taunahanahataka, ko taku tōpuni ki te whenua

  Ko taku taunahanahataka, ko taku tōpuni ki te whenua My names are the treasured cloak which adorns this land. One of the many wonders of my mahi is falling in love with the whenua in which we are privileged…

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Nā te pūtea tautoko

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