Ā mātou kōrero

All our stories

Exhibition aims to inspire knowledge amongst whānau and community

Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu has partnered with Ahi Kaa o Ngā Pakiaka Mōrehu o te Whenua, Whānau Ora initiative. Using storytelling as a medium, the goal of the initiative is to increase awareness amongst Ahi Kaa of their historical…

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Realisation of our dreams

  One of my recent panui talked about the dazzling spectrum of colour that wrapped around Arrowtown in the warmth of an autumn sun.   This week I was taken to task by Rick Carr in Alexandra who asked me…

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Whānau Ora Summary Report Shows Exponential Gains for Māori and Pasifika Communities

Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu welcomes the release of the Whānau Ora Annual Summary Report 2016/17  by Te Puni Kōkiri today detailing the commissioning activities and how Whānau Ora has contributed to gains for whānau. Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu…

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Self-awareness is at its core, the ability to see ourselves clearly

  “Self-awareness is at its core, the ability to see ourselves clearly – to understand who we are, how others see us, and how we fit into the world around us” (Tasha Eurich). I have had a couple of days…

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Māori approaches to education finally coming to fruition for whānau in Te Waipounamu

Hot on the heels of the latest evaluation providing evidence that Whānau Ora is being recognised as a grassroots movement that has the potential to create widespread social change, Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu is thrilled to celebrate two magnificent…

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The prospect of snow is always greeted with great excitement from our whānau.

    Facebook erupts as the whānau share their shots of a crisp, white lawn; trees dressed in a draping of snow; the first flakes of snowfall being captured to the joy of all.   For children under Koro Ruapehu, the snowfall…

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The goals of Whānau Ora are being realised through innovative initiatives supported by Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu.   The organisation is one of three national commissioning entities contracted by Government to directly invest in flexible and innovative approaches to meet…

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We Acknowledge the Hard Work and Talent of Queen’s Birthday Honours Recipients

Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu congratulates the remarkable New Zealanders who have been honoured in the Queen’s Birthday awards announced this morning. Trevor Taylor, Board Chair of the Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency is particularly pleased to recognise the talented individuals…

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There was only one thing, The Right Thing to Do

  “There was only one thing to do – and that was the right thing”. So said the American television channel in making the decision to cancel the highly successful comedy series, Roseanne after the comedienne made a racist tweet…

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A window to our world

  “Forgiveness is like this: a room can be dark because you have closed the windows, you’ve closed the curtains. But the sun is shining outside, and the air is fresh outside. In order to get that fresh air, you…

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Nā te pūtea tautoko

Watch these previously funded kaupapa

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