Ā mātou kōrero

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Tū Pono seeks local response to keeping whānau free from harm

The Tū Pono network is engaging with whānau across the South Island to implement a Whānau Ora approach to address family violence and harm. Tomorrow night they will facilitate a hui in Blenheim with a focus on ‘Punanga Haumaru’ which…

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Tools of the revolution

  Sticky notes and felt tip pens were being used as tools of the revolution in Wellington and Christchurch this week. Two of our team from Tu Pono: Te Mana Kaha o Te Whānau – Marg Henry and Beatrice Brown…

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He waka tāngata e ū mai ana kia tūtakitaki ngā waka, kia tūtakitaki ngā tāngata ki Wairau, tihei mauri ora!

  He waka tāngata e ū mai ana kia tūtakitaki ngā waka, kia tūtakitaki ngā tāngata ki Wairau, tihei mauri ora! We have had the most wonderful celebration of Whānau Ora; three days of laughter, tears, inspiration, innovation, and a…

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Tūtakitaki ngā waka; tūtakitaki nga tangata

It is a very precious moment in time to have in one room the people who inspire you every day by their leadership and legacy; the people who encourage you to be more by their example; their self-less sacrifice and…

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Whānau Ora Agency commits to Living Wage Movement

Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu has announced at its annual symposium, that it intends to be a Living Wage Employer.  In speaking at the symposium in Blenheim today, Tūtakitaki nga waka, Tūtakitaki nga tangata, Board Chair Trevor Taylor announced that…

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Dame Tariana opens Whānau Ora Symposium

The founder of Whānau Ora, Hon Dame Tariana Turia, today officially opened the annual symposium for Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu at the Marlborough Convention Centre in Blenheim. Dame Tariana in her speech reviewed the progress of Whānau Ora since…

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Ko Te Poho o Tamatea Pokai Whenua te mauka

  Ko Te Poho o Tamatea Pokai Whenua te mauka, ko Whakaraupō te moana, ko Takitimu, ko Uruao, ko Makawhiu kā waka, ko Te Raki Whakaputa te takata, ko Kāi Tahu te iwi, ko Kāti Wheke te hapū, ko Wheke…

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WHĀNAU ORA SYMPOSIUM 2018 21-23 March 2018 Marlborough Convention Centre, BLENHEIM TŪTAKITAKI NGĀ WAKA, TŪTAKITAKI NGĀ TANGATA, THE WAKA CONVERGE, THE PEOPLE CONVERGE Dame Tariana Turia Hon Dame Tariana Turia was a New Zealand member of Parliament from 1996 until…

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There are no signposts in the sea

– Vita Sackville-West It was good for the soul this week to sit on the shores of Kaikoura, and read the horizon.    I remember some years ago in 2001, Hon Dame Tariana Turia had established the Māori Adult Literacy…

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