Ā mātou kōrero

All our stories

Through collaboration and a shared vision we can create a better world

I see nothing. We may sink and settle on the waves. The sea will drum in my ears. The white petals will be darkened with sea water. They will float for a moment and then sink. Rolling over the waves…

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Optimised and Reconnected

One of the beautiful ‘perks’ of our mahi, is the opportunity to gaze in wonder upon the landscapes our whānau call home.   Anamahanga in the depths of the Marlborough Sounds is truly one of those visions that take your breath…

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Post-earthquake landscape still shaky, seven years on

  “While the original Navigation support was in response to the earthquake, the men developed a strong and enduring relationship which has resulted in improved quality of life and a sense of purpose”.  Whānau Ora Navigators; initial research, August 2017. Te…

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Navigating the pathways to success

Toku toa, he toa rangatira There is a well-known thought that our bravery is inherited from those who walked before us.   Such was the context for a visit I made to Karitane this week in attending the 110th birthday of…

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Prepping for tomorrows Artisan Wine

On the shores of Whakaraupō Seven years ago, on 5 August 2011, the Rt Hon Sir Anand Satyanand, GNZM, QSO; Governor General of New Zealand addressed the marae at Te Rapaki o Te Rakiwhakaputa with the following words: Kaua e…

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Pā Wananga Dreams Unfold

  ‘It Takes a Village’ is a Whānau Ora based concept focused on increasing Māori engagement in learning in an authentic Maori environment. Te Pā o Rakaihautu have developed the project which involves the establishment of a Pā Wānanga (A…

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Through rain and storm

The warmth of the balmy sun on the Kaikoura Coast road enticed me out of the car as I drove the slow road home on Thursday night.   We were stalled for over an hour in a long queue that wound…

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A potato, a broken watch, the huia feather and a tiki

In 1936, the prophet and leader, Tahupotiki Wiremu Ratana met then Prime Minister Michael Joseph Savage at Parliament.  He laid on the table four items.   a potato, a gold watch, a pounamu heitiki and a huia feather. Ratana explained the…

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Whānau Ora provides a powerful tool for change

  The  premiere of documentary “Tell Me I Can’t” airs in Christchurch tonight and details the journey of rangatahi taking part in the unique initiative ‘Bros For Change’.   Bros for Change is built on the philosophy of Whānau Ora…

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Nā te pūtea tautoko

Watch these previously funded kaupapa

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