Ā mātou kōrero

All our stories

Ripples in the water – The reverberations of influence

Tautuku Estuary.   The Cathedral Caves.   Purakaunui Falls.   Tokanui.   Cannibal Bay.  Waikawa Valley.   Tahakopa.   Owaka.     Up until this week, all these sites were known to me only as place-names in an atlas.   Placenames that carry with them a powerful…

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The Gift Of Bounty

We are heading towards Matariki: the season of celebration, of reflection, a time to preserve kai for the winter months ahead, to remember the past and plan ahead.   And so it was when this photo came in from Manaia…

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Te Waipounamu – Land of Shimmering Shores

Te Waipounamu Te Waipounamu.  Land of shimmering shores.  Sun-blasted landscapes.  Rippling waters basking under puffs of cloud.  In the two years since I took up the Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu baton, I have fallen in love with this beautiful…

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Winter is coming

It was uplifting this week to spend some time at Te Hapa o Niu Tireni on a beautiful Temuka day.   The renovations are dazzling – a floor that literally shines, state-of-the art laundry and mattress room space, even rose petals…

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The Magic of Autumn

‘Autumn is the season of change’ – Taoist proverb The gorgeous golds and sunny burnt orange of our autumn landscapes frequently leave me awestruck.   It is as if a flame of fire has painted our trees; a beacon of light…

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The road less traveled

One of my favourite poems is one by Robert Frost, where the poem ends Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference E rere te kotareKi…

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The important sense of ownership and belonging to places that are special to us

Dame Tariana Turia; Professor Sir Mason Durie and Len Cook at Te Ritorito 2017   In Crossing the Floor, Dame Tariana referred to a time in her life when she was asked was her commitment to the cause strong enough…

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Food for the soul

‘When you invite someone to sit at your table and you want to cook for them, you’re inviting a person into your life’ (Maya Angelou).   I like food.   Not rice-cakes, marmite or protein supplements.  But just about everything else….

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Leadership, lifetime legacies and learning

  This week, we took our story to the pulsating heart of Te Arawa, ngā pūmanawa e waru o Te Arawa.   The story of hope that every child deserves the best stanrt – no matter if their parent lives on…

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The tears of the spirit ancestors

Waikoropūpū, Waikoropūpū Pūpū ake te whenua, Pūpū ake ko ngā waiora, Waikoropūpū Ngā puna wai o Takaka, Ngā puna roimata wairua Waikoropūpū, Waikoropūpū   This week the tears of the tupuna freely flowed.   We felt their presence as we…

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Nā te pūtea tautoko

Watch these previously funded kaupapa

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