Don’t Focus on the Weeds!
NAN’S GARDEN At the Iwi Chairs Forum at Hopuhopu this week, a young man recounted the story of his Nan teaching him and his cousins to work in the gardens. He said that his Nanny had never talked about weeds….
Ā mātou kōrero
NAN’S GARDEN At the Iwi Chairs Forum at Hopuhopu this week, a young man recounted the story of his Nan teaching him and his cousins to work in the gardens. He said that his Nanny had never talked about weeds….
This week saw me swept up in the beauty of the Mataura, travelling the Southern roads to Bluff for an incredible community wide hui in the vibrant beauty of Te Rau Aroha marae. While the winds and rains roared outside,…
There is nothing that represents the exuberance of our tamariki mokopuna as a day exploring the wonder of Te Kaihinaki – the mighty Moeraki Boulders. The Moeraki Boulders are our natural taonga that grace a stretch of Koekohe Beach on…
Te Aho Mutunga Kore: The Eternal Thread – our inaugural symposium – was all that we had wished for and more. It was a wonderful celebration of the 76 distinctive initiatives that shape the look and feel of ‘Whānau Ora…
Opening Address – Te Aho Mutunga Kore; Whānau Ora Symposium Helen Leahy, Pouarahi / Chief Executive, Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu Thursday 7 July 2016 E ngā mana, e ngā reo, tēnā koutou katoa, Kei te mana whenua, ngā tangata…
30th June 2016 The financial reporting year starts on 1 July and ends 30 June. It’s the time of year when all the reports start flooding in, the stories and narratives telling us of the amazing progress we are observing…
This week we have been hot on the Tū Pono trail; attending hui in Invercargill and Hokitika; celebrating inspiration in the workforce; and having our monthly Board hui where the Board reviews our progress and checks out whether we are…
Tangi kau ana te ngākau ki ngā mate o te wā, tērā ia te ruahine o Ngāi Te Ruahikihiki me te rangatira o Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Whānau Tahi kua riro i te tirohanga kanohi i tēnei wiki…
7 stars – 7 schools – 7 concepts On Thursday 9th and Friday 10th June, the seven Eastside schools of Christchurch (St James, Aranui Primary, Avondale, Queenspark, Aranui High, Wainoni, Rawhiti) are coming together for a celebration of Matariki. Their…
Watch these previously funded kaupapa