Ā mātou kōrero
Photographer Warren Williams captured the unique ‘aurora australis’ over the Devil’s Staircase, a long winding road over Lake Wakatipu and Kingston. This photograph has been selected as one of the finalists in the New Zealand Geographic Photographer of the Year…
“I love it better than any place on Earth. It is my tūrangawaewae-ngakau, the standing place of my heart”. (Keri Hulme) This last weekend, we made our way along the East Coast, to the beautiful seaside…
Mokopuna Ora Seminar Programme Te Whatu Manawa Maoritanga o Rehua Marae, Christchurch Helen Leahy, Pouārahi, Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu Wednesday 12 October 2016 It is an honour to follow the korero of Lisa Tumahai, and to acknowledge the…
So said Dan Flynn, 2014 Victorian Young Australian of the Year; social entrepreneur and keynote speaker at the Festival For the Future last weekend in Auckland. At the age of 19 Dan and his mates had a crazy idea, “what…
I came across an image on Instagram that took my fancy this week – in many ways it summed up Whānau Ora; that all-consuming, all-embracing love that our parents gift us. We can do no wrong, even though on a…
And then my heart with pleasure fillsAnd dances with daffodils.~ William Wordsworth ~ Hagley Park in Christchurch was bathed in daffodils this week; a fitting sign of spring for the hui held in the Atrium on Wednesday…
There’s a phrase that goes, you never really know someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes. This week in Masterton, in recognition of World Suicide Day, 564 pairs of shoes were laid out to represent every New Zealand…
WAVE FIVE FUNDING ROUND OPENS FORTE PŪTAHITANGA O TE WAIPOUNAMU Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu is pleased to announce that its major investment round for 2016-2017 is now open and calling for applications. “We are at a great point…
Watch these previously funded kaupapa