Ā mātou kōrero

All our Funding

Mokopuna Ora

Mokopuna Ora is one of the cornerstone programmes of Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu, a whānau-led, whānau-centred approach that supports parents with tamariki under the age of five.
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Huikai Creations

An unexpected journey into the world of candles! Huikai Creations was born from the simple joy of Ngaire and her tamariki experimenting with a DIY kit. Now, their home garage has become the maker station as the pakihi grows.
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Te Waipounamu Māori Women’s Welfare League

The Māori Women’s Welfare League provide a supportive network for generations of wāhine Māori throughout Aotearoa.
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Mana Tāne wānanga

This series of Mana Tāne wānanga was formed to unite and empower tāne across Te Waipounamu, working to enhance positive perceptions of their roles as fathers and koroua.
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Four One Seven ORA

Four One Seven ORA provide a range Rongoā Māori services, carefully handmade with aroha to help improve wellbeing and heal ongoing mamae of the body and mind.
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Insert Coin to Play

Insert Coin to Play is an Invercargill based charitable trust that is taking what many claim is a problem for rangatahi and tamariki, and using it as a solution.
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Whakaraupō Carving Centre

When the Covid-19 pandemic struck in 2020, Ōhinehou-based Whakaraupō Carving Centre was unable to fulfil the demand for its whakairo toi classes, so they decided to develop an online course.
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Kaumātua Matariki Lunch

For over ten years, the kaumātua lunches hosted by Te Puna Oranga have been a highlight on the social calendars for Ōtautahi kaumātua.
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Rongoā healing – Māmā Gee

Gina Malcolm (Māmā Gee) is encouraging whānau to intuitively seek out their pathway for rongoā healing and become the best they can be.
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Papuni Boxing Ōtautahi

Encompassing more than the physical side of the sport, Papuni Boxing aims to support rangatahi in an environment where they learn key values and life skills that will enable them to take care of their own physical and mental health and wellbeing.
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Nā te pūtea tautoko

Watch these previously funded kaupapa

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