Ā mātou kōrero

All our Wave

Whare Manaaki is a kaupapa Māori organisation operating on the West Coast supporting whānau and parents

Whare Manaaki has become a hub where whānau of all backgrounds can seek support raising their tamariki with a sense of ownership and validation of their own identity. “It’s a place for everybody - Māori and non-Māori," says creator Eli.
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Tikanga is at the heart of Tū Pono: Mana Tangata

Tū Pono: Mana Tangata is a kaupapa that operates through wānanga and programmes developed to provide advocacy and to raise awareness of domestic violence, suicide and sexual abuse.
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Arawai – using the moana to reconnect participants to their whakapapa, environment, and community

Arawai is a programme based in Ōtepoti that uses the moana and diving to reconnect participants to their whakapapa, their environment, and their community.
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Nā te pūtea tautoko

Watch these previously funded kaupapa

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