We are excited to let you know that WAVE 18, our flagship social innovation fund, and Tai Neke, Tai Ora are now open.

Could this be the year your big idea becomes a reality? A new business or kaupapa, a wānanga or event, and everything in between – whatever your dream or idea is, we want to hear it. Tonoa mai ināianei!


He ara i tāraitia e pōua mā e tāua mā, kia eke ai mātou ki te tai o angitu.

If you have an idea for a kaupapa that will benefit your whānau and community, WAVE funding is for you.

For almost 10 years, our flagship WAVE social innovation model has supported hundreds of whānau throughout Te Waipounamu to realise their aspirations and deliver meaningful change.

This year, we are guided by the theme, ‘He ara i tāraitia e pōua mā e tāua mā, kia eke ai mātou ki te tai o angitu’, which references the pathways shaped by the generations before us so that we may reach success.

We welcome applications from individuals, whānau, community groups and businesses in Te Waipounamu, Rēkohu Wharekauri and Rakiura who have an initiative or kaupapa  that seeks to support them and their hapori to thrive.

For more information and to apply, see here.

Applications close at 12pm on Wednesday, February 14, 2024.


Tai Neke, Tai Ora

Ka whati te tai ka pao te tōrea.

Tai Neke, Tai Ora is a Whānau Ora approach to whānau hauora with a focus on Te Whare Tapa Whā. It aims to support kaupapa that help whānau understand the importance of nurturing all aspects of their hauora and create a connection to te ao Māori and to their hapori.

For those whānau who are passionate about hauora and interested in a kaupapa that supports whānau to stay healthy and thrive, Tai Neke Tai Ora might be the right fit for you.

For more information and to apply, see here.

Applications close at 12pm on Wednesday, February 14, 2024.

WAVE and Tai Neke, Tai Ora Roadshow 2024

We are holding info sessions throughout Te Waipounamu in the coming weeks where whānau can ask questions and seek guidance on their ideas and how to apply. For locations and dates, click here. (Use the location links to register.) If you have any pātai, please email wavefunding@teputahitanga.org.