Alternative funding sources

The funding search engine found on the Ministry of Culture and Heritage’s website is excellent as is the website. While that website is subscription-based (you have to pay for it), it does provide the ability to locate possible sources of funding for a broad range of initiatives. Some funders will fund or partially fund operational costs, which will be important for the non-profit-making initiatives that require ongoing funding to continue operating. Most Councils subscribe to give us on behalf of ratepayers, so access is free and normally available at your nearest public library. Our funding booklet resource identifies a range of potential funders for Māori led and whānau-driven initiatives across Te Waipounamu. In addition, it suggests the most efficient way to access those funds to help organisations obtain sustainable funding.

Examples of other funding sources include:

  • Government, i.e. Creative NZ, Te Puni Kōkiri, Department of Internal Affairs, etc .
  • Charitable community trusts, i.e. Rātā Foundation, etc…
  • Philanthropic sector, i.e. J R McKenzie Trust, Todd Foundation, Tindall Foundation, etc.

In addition to these organisations above, there are a vast array of other smaller funders. Pages 25-27 of our funding resource identifies those smaller funders and provide brief summaries of those funders and what they may fund. Please note, one universal restriction on what is not funded by any of the potential funders is retrospective spending. If an initiative has already spent money, recovering that spend cannot form part of any grant application. For each potentially significant source of alternative our resource identifies:

  • the name of the potential funder, or type of funder, i.e. community trust board
  • their purpose and guiding principles
  • the type(s) of funding they offer
  • minimum and maximum funding amounts offered (if relevant)
  • any restrictions on what they funding, i.e. type of expenses they fund, regions, etc.
  • key dates for applications to be received by (if relevant)
  • contact details and website address (if relevant).

Links to other sources

Other funding sources in Te Waipounamu

Enquire about our Wave Fund

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